Cimarron Elementary Daily Schedules



    Daily Schedule

    7:35 a.m. -3:15 p.m.


    **Students are tardy to school if they are not in the building by 7:35 a.m.  All drop off doors will be closed and lockedIf a student arrives after 7:35, a parent or adult must escort the student to the front office to sign them in and obtain a tardy slip.

     ** No student will be allowed to be checked out after 2:15 p.m.

    **Los estudiantes llegan tarde si no están en el edificio a las 7:35 a.m. Todas las puertas de entrada estarán cerradas. Si un estudiante llega después de las 7:35a.m., un padre o un adulto debe acompañar al estudiante a la oficina principal para registrar lo y obtener un pase de tardanza.

    **Ningún estudiante podrá salir después de las 2:15 p.m. 

    Conference Times




    8:30 - 9:15 

    First Grade

    9:20 - 10:05

    Second Grade

    10:10 - 10:55


    11:35 -12:20

    Fifth Grade

    12:30 - 1:15

    Fourth Grade

    1:25 - 2:10

    Third Grade

    2:15 - 3:00


Lunch Schedules

  • Breakfast: Served from 7:00-7:35 a.m.  Breakfast is free of charge for all students all year long!


    Lunch Prices:

    Students: Free of charge for all students

    Adult Visitors: $4.00


    ** Lunch will only be allowed to be dropped off on Fridays before 10:00 a.m.

    ** Solo se permitirá dejar el almuerzo los viernes antes de las 10:00 a.m. 


    Lunch Times:

    Pre - Kinder AM 10:00 - 10:35

    Kindergarten 10:10 - 10:50

    First Grade 10:35 - 11:20

    Second Grade 11:05 -11:45

    Third Grade 11:30 - 12:00

    Fifth Grade 11:55 - 12:35

    Fourth Grade 12:20 - 1:00


    * Lunchtimes indicate the general timeframe each grade level goes to lunch.  Please contact your child's teacher to find out their specific lunchtime.*