


    Arrival Information:

    • NS10 Campus door opens at 6:15 am.
    • Bus Riders will use the cafeteria entrance to enter the building.
    • Car Riders and Walkers will utilize the side entrance front parking lot.

     Dismissal Information:

    • At 2:42 pm - Car Riders and Walkers are released to exit via the front of the building.
    • At 2:42 pm - Students participating in after-school activities at NSSH (e.g., athletics and fine arts) will be released through the transition walkway.
    • At 2:42 pm - Bus Riders are released to exit via the cafeteria to board buses.
    • At 2:50 pm - Teachers will retrieve tutorial participants from the gym; check teachers' webpage for tutorial times.


     Dropoff and Pickup Graphic