MacArthur Elementary's Support Staff

  • Instructional Coaches 

    K-2 Reading CIC - Fabiola Longoria
    K-2 Math CIC - 
    3-5 ELA CIC -
    3-5 M/S CIC -

    Intervention Teacher -

    Science Lab teacher - Kaneice Washington


     P.E. - and Maricela Pecina (Aide)
    Art -
    Music -
    Library - and Nereyda Gutierrez (Aide)

    Technician - Jason Bradley

    Special Education

    PASS - Benita Cole and Wendy Spinks (Aide)
    Coteach/Resource - and 
    In Class Support Aide - Daisy Santos
    Life Skills - and
    Life Skills Aides - Rebeca Aguilar, Perla Venegas, Victoria Velez, and Martina Lozano
    Speech Therapist - Cristina Trevino
    Records Clerk - Angie Medellin
    LSSP - Zvestly Plantin
    Diagnostican - Kimberly Wynn