Awarded Bids
The following is a list of awarded Bids/RFP's/CSP's for the Galena Park Independent School District. To view a particular bid specification, simply click on the bid of interest.
BID TYPE BID # PROCUREMENT DESCRIPTION RENEWAL YEAR EXPIRATION DATE RFP 18-005 Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression System, Fire Extinguisher Inspections & Vent Hood Cleaning Year 1 05/31/2019 RFP 18-007 Furniture – Office, Classroom, Cafeteria and Specialty Furnishings 3 Years 03/31/2020 RFP-MA 18-008 Fundraising Items 3 Years 06/30/2021 RFP 18-010 Pest Management Year 1 08/31/2019 RFP 18-012 Books and Publications Year 1 10/31/2021 RFP 18-014 Electrical Supplies Year 1 10/31/2021 RFP 18-015 Instructional Teaching Supplies Year 1 11/30/2019 RFP 18-016 Elevator & Wheelchair Lifts Maintenance, Repair & Annual Inspection Year 1 11/30/2019 RFP 18-018 Bat Removal, Exclusion, and Prevention Services Term 1 01/31/2021 RFP 18-017 Medicaid & Student and Health Related Billing Services Term 1 03/09/2020