• The Visually Impaired Program

    The Visually Impaired program provides services to students that may include Braille instruction; use of low vision devices; special training using computer software; modification of instructional materials; consultation with students, classroom teachers, and family members; and possible orientation and Mobility.

    Orientation and Mobility program

    Orientation defined for our purposes means knowing where you are, in relationship to the environment around you. Mobility is the ability to get from where you are to where you want to be, in a safe and efficient manner.

    Eligibility for Services

    Students who may qualify for vision services, orientation and mobility service, or both must have the following in order to be considered eligible:

    • Texas State Eye Report from an ophthalmologist or optometrist
    • Functional Vision Evaluation conducted by a certified teacher for the visually impaired
    • Learning Media Assessment conducted by a certified teacher for the visually impaired
    • Orientation and Mobility Assessment conducted by an orientation and mobility specialist


  • For more information, please contact:

    LeAnn Atwood, COMS/CTVI (Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist/Certified Teacher for the Visually Impaired)
    Amy Hayes, CTVI (Certfied Teacher for the Visually Impaired)