• What Is Transition?

    Transition is a process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school. Transition planning begins at age 14, or younger if deemed appropriate by the IEP team. 

    The transition process is designed to assist students with disabilities to achieve their postsecondary goals in the areas of education, employment and adult living. Through transition planning, annual goals and a coordinated set of activities focus on academic and functional skills to facilitate progress towards the identified postsecondary goals. 

    Texas Transition and Employment Guide - English

    Texas Transition and Employment Guide  - Spanish

Agency Connections

Transition Resources


  • Special Education Transition and Employment Services Designees

    Rey Smith, Director of Special Education Curriculum and Instruction
    (832) 386-1000


    Eric Kirchner, Program Director of Special Education
    (832) 386-1000